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Outreach workshops

Our outreach workshops are a fantastic way to bring your history topic to life! We bring a huge array of exciting artefacts and high-quality resources to your school for children to handle, wear and explore as part of our immersive days, which are carefully-planned to meet National Curriculum aims.

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Anglo-Saxons: Tales & Treasures

Join us to explore how Britain was shaped and changed by the arrival of the Angles, Saxons and Jutes and the legacy that they have left through their tales and treasures.

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World War 2: 
Feeding the Nation

Spend a day in the life of a Land Girl to experience the crucial role the Women's Land Army played in food production during World War 2.


Vikings: Pirates or Pioneers?

Were the Vikings really only marauding warriors? Come with us as we explore how the Vikings lived and the important role of trading in their society. 


Ancient Egypt:

The Gift of

the Nile

Would the Ancient Egyptian civilization as we know it have been able to develop without the Nile River? Come and join us as we travel back in time to explore how a river enabled a civilisation to grow and flourish.

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Florence Nightingale: Fighting Fit

Join us as we visit the Victorian era and the time of the Crimean war to find out about the actions of Florence Nightingale and why we remember her as a significant individual.

About our workshops


  • Our workshops are planned and delivered by an experienced and qualified primary teacher.

  • Each day runs from 9am-3pm around your school's breaktimes and are suitable for groups of up to 90 primary children per workshop for the full day.

  • Outreach workshops are available to schools within a 2 hour travel radius of North Staffordshire.

  • For more information, visit our FAQs. For availability and costs, please contact us.



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